Colloque / Séminaire

Conférence de Yuanyuan GUO: “Fiber-based electrochemical sensors for in vivo biochemical sensing”

Chercheuse à l'université de Tohoku (Japon), Yuanyuan GUO présente ses développements récents de capteurs présentant une sélectivité, sensibilité et résolution spatio-temporelle élevées afin de déchiffrer la chimie du cerveau.

Dans le cadre de son animation scientifique, l’Institut des Sciences Analytiques accueille Yuanyuan GUO, chercheuse au Department of Biomedical Engineering- Tohoku University (Japan), qui donnera une conférence intitulée “Fiber-based electrochemical sensors for in vivo biochemical sensing” le mardi 8 février à 11h.
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Abstract: The cells inside our brain communicate via chemicals. It is important to study brain chemistry to advance our fundamental understanding of the brain and accelerate discoveries of targeted therapies for various neurological or psychiatric disorders. Recently, by taking advantage of the thermal drawing process, we have successfully developed multi-functional fibers, with optical, chemical, electrical and mechanical functionality in a thin fiber strand. Since I joined FRIS at Tohoku University, we have further expanded the functionality of the fiber with in vivo electrochemical sensing modalities. In this seminar, I will discuss in detail our recent work on the advancement of fiber-based sensors to decipher intrinsic chemical releases in the brain with high selectivity, sensitivity, and spatio-temporal resolution.
First, I will present our recent development - functionalization of aptamers on composite carbon fibers for in vivo neurochemical sensing. Next, I will discuss the development of miniature pH imaging devices via the combination of multifunctional fibers with chemical field effect sensors. Finally, I will also briefly introduce our thermally stretched multi-electrode fibers for bipolar electrochemistry and show the proof of concept of magnified electrochemical imaging via the tapered fibers.

Contact :
Marion GIROD

Liste des horaires :

  • Le 8 février 2022 de 11h à 12h