Claude Bernard Lyon 1 is part of Université de Lyon, the most important French University site outside the Paris region.
- Evènement / Annonce
On Monday, May 24, 2021, addressing the WHO Assembly, President Emmanuel Macron announced that the World Health Academy would open in Lyon in 2023. The Academy is intended to "become the benchmark institution for training in public health".
- VITRIMAT: Two PhD students tackle non-recyclable plastics
To address the issue of plastic recycling, the IMP and CP2M laboratories bank on an innovative European doctoral training program, coordinated by Prof. Eric Drockenmuller.
- The CIRI is at the forefront in fighting the Ebola virus
The Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (International centre for infectiology research - CIRI) brings together almost 300 researchers to advance the understanding of infectious diseases so they can be better controlled.
- At the cutting edge of learning with simulation in the field of healthcare
The Centre Lyonnais d’Enseignement par la Simulation en Santé [the Centre for teaching using simulation in healthcare of Lyon - CLESS] of the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 university enables healthcare students to learn using simulation. Thanks to lifelike dummies and two immersive technical platforms, the students can learn by way of very realistic medical simulations.
The Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University proposes a wide offer of formations preparing to the professional life within 13 departments, distributed on 14 geographical sites.