Mixed research unit 9405

Epidemiological Research and Surveillance Unit in Transport, Occupation and Environment (UMRESTTE)

Biologie, médecine, santé

Address :
IFSTTAR Case n° 24
25 Avenue François Mitterrand
69675 BRON Cedex
Phone :
33 4 72 14 25 10
Fax :
33 4 72 14 25 20
On the Internet :

Authority :

IFSTTAR, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Research topics

Umrestte is a joint research laboratory of Ifsttar and University Lyon 1-Claude Bernard UCBL (UMR T 9405). It was created in July 1999, is now part of the Research Department "Transport, Health and Safety", and is associated to the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS). Umrestte plays a leading role in road safety epidemiological research in France.

Umrestte performs epidemiological and evaluation research to generate knowledge, particularly in the transport field, of:
  • crash trauma characteristics, consequences and prevention (primary, secondary and tertiary safety),
  • the effects of environmental nuisances on health (from discomfort to mortality),
  • the effects of work conditions on health.