European Research
Reporting to the Research and Doctoral Studies Department, the European Research Unit's mission is to:
- Identify and promote European funding opportunities to UCBL1 researchers, encouraging their participation
- Assist in identifying and detecting new project opportunities
- Organize information and training sessions on European research programs and projects
- Support researchers in project development: building European networks, proofreading proposals, reviewing evaluation reports, enhancing project resubmissions, and more.
- Provide strategic recommendations to the University’s leadership to strengthen overall participation in European programs.
Which programs?
The European Research Unit primarily focuses on programs and calls for proposals under the 9th Framework Program for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe (2021–2027), which succeeds Horizon 2020.
The European Research Unit also integrates the University’s ERC Unit, specifically dedicated to supporting applicants for European Research Council (ERC) grants of excellence, which require targeted assistance and tailored support.
Who can benefit from the European Research Unit?
Any faculty member or researcher at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, or any researcher aiming to host a project within the University, can take advantage of the support offered by the European Research Unit.
If you would like assistance with your European project, whether from the European Research Unit or the ERC Unit, please contact: celluleeurope[at]
Structure and Activities
The European Research Unit is composed of researchers and faculty members from university-affiliated units who volunteer their expertise in European research and innovation funding programs. Many of its members are experienced European project leaders, with some also serving as evaluators for the European Commission.
The Unit is supported by Lyon Ingénierie Projets (LIP), the University’s subsidiary specializing in project engineering and research promotion, which plays a crucial role in the development and management of projects.
The European Research Unit convenes quarterly to define its strategic actions. In collaboration with Lyon Ingénierie Projets, it organizes information webinars on funding opportunities, training sessions on proposal writing, and other relevant activities.
Project leaders can rely on the Unit for support, including project reviews and consultations with grant recipients. Additionally, the Unit has secured funding from the Research Department to assist project leaders in organizing meetings with their European partners.
For any inquiries, you can contact the Unit at: celluleeurope[at]
The Horizon Europe 2021–2027 program officially launched on January 1, 2021.
With a 30% increase compared to the previous Horizon 2020 program, Horizon Europe is the most ambitious research and innovation program in the world. The budget will also be complemented by contributions from future associated countries, including the UK, Switzerland, Israel, Tunisia, Norway, and others.
You can access the calls and submit your proposals via the program's official portal.
For more information about the program and its calls for proposals, please consult the European funding toolbox.
ERC scholarships
The European Research Council (ERC) is a scientific program dedicated to exploratory research, with scientific excellence as its sole selection criterion. It offers four types of individual grants:
- Starting Grants: For early-career researchers, with two categories: “Starting Grants” and “Consolidator Grants.”
- Advanced Grants: For established researchers.
- Proof of Concept Grants: To support the commercialization of research outcomes. This grant is exclusively available to ERC laureates.
ERC Projects Hosted at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (to update)
- Jean-Louis Bessereau (INMG): Advanced Grant 2015 for his project C.NAPSE (Towards a comprehensive analysis of extracellular scaffolding at the synapse).
- Julien Courchet (INMG): Starting Grant 2015 for his project NEUROMET (Shaping of axonal complexity by a dynamic regulation of local metabolic pathways in the developing cortex).
- Christophe Garban (ICJ): Starting Grant 2015 for his project LiKo ("From Liouville to Kolmogorov: 2D quantum gravity, noise sensitivity, and turbulent flows").
- Johan Richard (CRAL): Starting Grant 2013 for his project CALENDS ("Clusters and Lensing of Distant Sources"), or in French, "Amas et effet de lentille sur les galaxies éloignées".
- Nicolas Coltice (LGL): Consolidator Grant 2013 for his project AUGURY ("Reconstructing Earth's mantle convection").
- Bénédicte Py (CIRI): [Project information to be completed].
Toolbox and support
To assist you in preparing and managing your European research projects, Lyon 1 University provides a European Funding Toolbox through the website of its subsidiary, Lyon Ingénierie Projets.
In this toolbox, you will find:
- Links to websites dedicated to European programs.
- Connections to relevant networks and stakeholders.
- Information webinars.
- Technical guides to becoming an expert evaluator or joining a European consortium.
- Presentations and slideshows.
- Updates on European funding opportunities, and more.
In addition, Lyon Ingénierie Projets is available to answer all your technical questions about European research funding, help you identify the right tools, and guide you through the project preparation process, in collaboration with the European Research Unit.