Mixed research unit 5292, UMR_S 1028

the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL)

Biologie, médecine, santé

Address :
Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier Bâtiment 452
95 Boulevard Pinel
69675 BRON
Phone :
+33(0)4 72 68 49 59
Fax :
+33(0)4 72 68 49 55
On the Internet :

Authority :

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, INSERM, CNRS, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne


Staff  CRNL research teams:
· DYCOG - Dynamique cérébrale et cognition [Cerebral dynamics and cognition] (O. Bertrand)
· IMPACT - Integrative, multisensory, perception, action and cognition team (D. Pélisson)
· CAP - Cognition auditive et psychoacoustique [Auditive and psychoacoustic cognition] (B. Tillmann)
· NEUROPAIN - Intégration centrale de la douleur chez l’homme [Central integration of pain in humans] (L. Garcia-Larrea)
· CMO - Codage et mémoire olfactive [Coding and olfactory memory] (R. Gervais)
· NEUROPOP - Neuroplasticité et neuropathologie de la perception olfactive [Neuroplasticity and neuropathology of olfactive perception] (A. Didier)
· WAKING - Physiologie intégrée du système d’éveil [Integrated physiology of the waking system] (J.S. Lin)
· SLEEP - Physiopathologie des réseaux neuronaux du cycle sommeil [Physiopathology of the neuronal networks of the sleep cycle] (P-H. Luppi)
· ONCOFLAM - Neuro-oncologie et neuro-inflammation [Neuro-oncology and neuro-inflammation] (J. Honnorat)
· TIGER - Recherche translationnelle et intégrative en épilepsie [Translational and integrative research in epilepsy] (P. Ryvlin & L. Bezin)
· BIORAN - Biomarqueurs radiopharmaceutiques et neurochimique [Radiopharmaceutical and neurochemical biomarkers] (L. Zimmer)

Research topics

The CRNL is a multidisciplinary research centre that studies the functioning of the brain, from genetic level to cognition, combining fundamental research with clinical research.

Created in January 2011, the CRNL brings together the multidisciplinary expertise of its 370 members (including approximately 140 researchers, lecturers-researchers and clinician-researchers), split into 11 teams, thereby creating new synergies in the study of the brain and associated pathologies.

Given the complexity of the brain, it is essential to develop knowledge of its various structural levels: fundamental molecular and cellular functions, neuronal networks and their dynamics, interactions between areas of the brain, behaviour, thought and social cognition. In order to fully understand how the brain works as a whole, it is crucial to pay greater attention to bringing together these various levels of investigation.
This "multi-level" integrative approach is the one that the CRNL aims to take, by increasing the number of scientific disciplines (biology, chemistry, physiology, cognitive sciences, mathematical modelling etc.) and making use of a wide range of methods and instruments (quantified behavioural measures, brain imaging in action, electrophysiology of neurones and networks, cellular microscopy, genetic and biochemical analysis etc.), some of which are located within the 7 technical sections of the Centre.

This multi-level approach relies on the transfer of knowledge to those working in the healthcare sector and to patients, in partnership with the Hospices Civils de Lyon and thanks to the involvement of a large number of hospital physicians and hospital and university doctors in the teams of the CRNL. This translational and clinical research covers: epilepsy, motor, sensory and cognitive handicaps, pain, sleep disorders, alterations of states of consciousness, neurodevelopmental disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, neuro-oncology, neuro-inflammation, mental illnesses such as depression, and even normal or pathological ageing of the brain. 

The CRNL is also responsible for the NeuroCampus construction project in Lyon, the aim of which is to bring together in 2016 all its teams in the Pôle Hospitalier Est [East Lyon hospital centre], very near to the Hôpital Neurologique, Mère-Enfant et Vinatier [Neurology hospital, the Mother and Child Hospital and Vinatier hospital].
The CRNL is highly involved in several Programmes d’Investissement d’Avenir [Future Investment Programmes] (Labex CORTEX, IHU-B CESAME, Equipex LILI, Cohorte OFSEP) and is a partner of Labex CELYA and PRIMES.


  • Perception, action, attention, memory, learning
  • High level cognition of (emotion, social cognition)
  • Sleep, waking, states of consciousness
  • Neurogenetics and neurodevelopment
  • Neuroprotection and blood-brain barrier
  • Physiopathology, diagnostic markers
  • Therapy, re-education, remediation

Fields of application

  • understanding brain function
  • applications in neurology and psychiatry:
  • diagnostic biomarkers
  • therapy, re-education, brain stimulation
  • - handicap, brain-machine interfaces