Research clusters 41

Bio-environnement et santé

Agronomie, productions animale et végétale et agro-alimentaire

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Authority :

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Research topics

The scientific strategy of the IFR41 is presently to federate, animate, and help biology research on the Doua campus by strengthening the links with environment and health. The first function of the IFR is in setting up and supporting common platforms that make possible technical developments, which are the basis of conceptual progress. Our IFR thus supports the Greenhouse, necessary for work on plants (Microbial Ecology, Ecology of River Hydrosystems and Microbiology, Adaptation & Pathogeny), it also supports the PRABI that are used by most IFR units to analyze genomes using locally developed tools. The IFR also supports the DTAMB, which has permitted the development of novel genotyping approaches, as well as the CTμ, indispensable to visualize molecular and cellular structures.