Research results of news

The research on "Research" gave 32 results

  • Research
    An Ebola virus protein can cause massive inflammation and leaky blood vessels
    Ebola GP protein covers the virus’ surface and is shed from infected cells during infection. A study published on November 20th in PLOS Pathogens reports that shed GP can trigger massive dysregulation of the immune response and affect the permeability of blood vessels.
  • Research
    The Dependence Receptors notion: from a cell biology paradigm to anti-cancer targeted therapy
    While it is assumed that transmembrane receptors are active only in the presence of ligand, we have proposed that some receptors may also be active in the absence of ligand stimulation.
  • Research
    KELEGANS – Genetics and cell biology of K2P channels
    The goal of KELEGANS project is to use comprehensive genetic and genomic screening strategies in the model nematode C. elegans to identify conserved factors and cellular processes that control the biology of two-pore domain potassium channels.
  • Research
    MICROMEGAS – Nanofluidics inside a single carbon nanotube
    Nanofluidics is an emerging field aiming at the exploration of fluid transport at the smallest scales.
  • Research
    CALENDS - Clusters And LENsing of Distant Sources
    Some of the primary questions in extragalactic astronomy concern the formation and evolution of galaxies in the distant Universe. In particular, little is known about the less luminous (and therefore less massive) galaxy populations, which are currently missed from large observing surveys and could contribute significantly to the overall star formation happening at early times.
  • Research
    Aquatic flowering plant from ancient times
    By analyzing more than 1,000 fossil remains, scientists have discovered that an unassuming, 130-million-year-old water-dwelling plant could be one of Earth’s first flowering plants.
  • Research
    A humanoid robot to liaise between space station crews
    A team of French researchers from the Institut cellule souche et cerveau (Inserm/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), led by CNRS senior researcher Peter Ford Dominey, has developed “an autobiographical memory” for the robot Nao, which enables it to pass on knowledge learnt from humans to other, less knowledgable humans.
  • Research
    First-ever in vitro human spermatogenesis
    The French startup Kallistem (which stems from research carried out at the Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle in Lyon) has achieved a world first by obtaining complete human spermatozoa in vitro, using tissue specimens collected from infertile men.
  • Research
    Designing better catalysts more rapidly
    The rapid design of catalysts is a key step towards widely accessible electric vehicles more efficient depollution catalysts, cleaner factories... Researchers have developed a simple and faster method to improve the efficiency of a family of catalysts. These compounds indispensable to the industry, facilitate chemical reactions.
  • Research
    Oxia Planum has been recommended for the landing site of the ExoMars 2018 mission
    The European Mars mission in 2018 will land on the site identified by Prof. Cathy Quantin-Nataf and her team. Their choice of Martian landing site, named Oxia Planum, was confirmed by the European Space Agency (ESA) on 21 October.

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